
In January, we shared a video on our Facebook page of Agents revealing what they thought was the best thing about being a Variety Agent. Click on this link to watch the video >

We also asked you to share your feelings and here are some of the responses we received:

“The best thing about being an agent is seeing my friends and family happy knowing their Christmas is paid for.”

Jenny Saunders

“You know what there’s a few reasons why I do it, firstly advising my customers what they need when they tell me what they need, secondly them trusting me with their hard earned money for a brighter Christmas, and most importantly seeing how excited they are when they all arrive.”

Andrea Jayne

“Making Xmas stress free for myself and my customers.”

Kath Gizzi

“I enjoy knowing that I play a small part in taking the stress out of Christmas, and helping others enjoy theirs.”

Beverley Maddison

“Delivering the vouchers in November and knowing my customers don’t have to worry.”

Shazzaw White

“The BEST thing about Variety is seeing families saving all year for Christmas, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to have the Christmas that they have without saving. Families who you know struggle. Then delivering their vouchers which makes these people so excited to be able to spend them on their children to give them better gifts and more happy memories getting that gift they asked for from Santa. Priceless.”

Kelly Walton

“I enjoy being an agent because I give people peace of mind about Christmas.”

Leah Jayne Matthews

“The best thing about Variety Christmas Savings Club is when I deliver my customers envelopes with their vouchers or gift cards they say NOW ITS NEARLY CHRISTMAS!”

Linda Towers