Now that spring has sprung, what could be nicer to brighten up your home than a colourful vase, jug or even a clean jam jar full of flowers. There’s an array on display in the shops of chrysanthemums, carnations, daffodils, roses and tulips. Here’s a few tips for keeping your flowers fresh for the longest possible time :-

  • fill your container one third full with lukewarm water rather than cold. If it’s too full, foliage left on the stems below the water line will rot and pollute the water which will make the flowers die more quickly
  • using a sharp pair of secateurs or scissors, cut about 1″ off the flower stems on an angle as this allows the flowers to take in more water. Remove any foliage from the lower portion of the
    stems which would stand under the water line
  • place flowers in water as soon as possible…once the stems of flowers have been cut, their life support system has been removed
  • always use a container big enough so as not to overcrowd your flowers as enough air needs to circulate between each one. Too many flowers crowded together cause the petals to become squashed and bruised

 HERE’S SOME TIPS FOR KEEPING YOUR FLOWERS FRESH FOR LONGER IF THERE ISN’T A SACHET OF FLOWER PRESERVER SUPPLIED – if you have any others…let Variety Voice know and we’ll publish them in our next edition?

  • change the water regularly
  • add a crushed aspirin to the water
  • add 3 drops of bleach and 1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 litre of water
  • add a copper penny and a cube of sugar to the water
  • add a ¼ cup of soda (eg Sprite or 7-Up) to the water
  • from about a foot away, lightly spray the undersides of the petals and leaves with hairspray
  • add a few drops of vodka (or any clear spirit) to water along with 1 teaspoon sugar and change the water every other day